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A New Age Retreat

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Dira is the family I needed to meet to remind me of the divine light in my heart. Thank you for all the love I have received.💗🌈

This retreat connected me with the divine source and makes me see everything that comes to me with loving eyes. Now I open my heart to accept everything that is with love.

I'm truly grateful for this experiance thank you thank you thank you Lubi. Thank you Allah for answering my prayers!

There is no denying yourself once you experiance this retreat. It is a profound experience as you not only unviel your truth but you witness Divine orchestration to perfection infront of your eyes and in your vessel.

You come to understand ur whole being fully, aspects that probably take years for one to come to know and understand and accept is literally brought to u in 5 days !
No words other than save your self the heartache, pain, disspair or any contraction your experiancing now in your life and just choose to experiance it! You will not regret the bliss experienced in these 5 days!

To articulate the experiance fully in words, will never give it full justice. One must simply taste it with experiancing the BLISS of it - trust me there will be no denying it after!
You gain lots of wisdom and knowledge about your whole being; mental, ego, emotional, physical bodies. You whole vessel is cleansed with tools you will have access to for your whole life. By the end of the retreat your soul is longing is finally realised and its yearnings are attended to while it dances with Divine creating a beautiful orchestraion. You will realise how easy it is to choose to experiance bliss in your life once we attend to all that blocks us from being our true self.

The retreat is nothing short than a miraculous and magical experiance that is life changing. Post retreat the ripple effect is reflected in the bliss felt in your inner and outer world.

In the retreat your given so many tools that are easily accessible from within you, that you can use to comfortably navigate through all the storms of life faced in the future.

From the tools you gain from this retreat, you know there will always be dis-ease, pain, hurt, emotions and discomforts in life but how long you stay in it, is now in your own hands.

Post the retreat you are so mesmerized by your experiance and gain full confidence in knowing you can always tap into this viberation and anchor yourself back into alignment with Divine love with the tools shared with you.

Your life shifts as a result of your perspectives changing and a drastic energetic expansion that one cant deny.

I literally felt my soul dancing with Divine to the symphony of life around me. Life became an orchestra of love. I was literally buzzing with love - feeling ecstatically high!

All the areas of life where you are operating from a lower viberation gets shifted. An opening occurs where you are able to operate from a higher vibration by tapping into Divine energy source, Divine love.It's transformative. It brings you back home to the natural essence of your being.

Dira retreat is the place where you are guided using Divine Channel to alchemize all the parts within you that are holding you back from being in your light of truth. In this process you energtically expand and witness yourself step into the full embodiment of your truth, soul and purpose that is in full alignment with Source/Divine/universe and higher self.

Everytime I think it can't possibly get any better than the previous Dira retreats I have done, I experience another retreat that leaves me in complete 'AWEE', 'WAAAW' and with so much profound 'AHAAA' moments.

Each time I enrol in a Dira retreat, I start with an open heart, and at the end of it, i’m amazed and extremely grateful, for being part of this uplifting experience. The energy of it is transforming, challenging at times, but supportive and calm, like the Universe it’s saying “Trust yourself, you’ve got this. I love you and I’m just here by your side.”
The facilitator of the retreat, Lubna, in my opinion, has such a loving, peaceful and same time joyful presence and guidance, that you feel understood, carefully guided and supported through the entire experience. A Dira retreat is not just a program, it’s a soul experience, open to everyone. How to decide to enrol? You will feel it in your heart! C.M.-Romania

The retreat has helped me to center my ability to reach stillness in my core. The exercises showed me how to be at peace with myself and how to return to essence. The discussions lifted my spirit and moved me in the direction of personal ownership of my life and the circumstances in it. I am grateful for the facilitator for dedicating herself to serve others

I have never experienced anything as profound and transforming as a Dira retreat. It is magical and I am forever grateful to be part of this.

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