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Become a Member of Dira's Community of Channelers

And enjoy access to our tribe, vibe, & loads of channeled content
3 Day FREE Trial for Annual Membership
Option available to pay installments by using PayPal
(Installments collection managed by PayPal and should be selected on checkout once the page is rerouted to your PayPal account)

Dira Membership Options

  • Monthly Membership

    Every month
    Charges you every month and you can cancel anytime you want.
    Valid for 12 months
    • *You need to know how to channel to benefit from membership*
    • Join Dira's community of Channelers & gain access to more!
    • Save ££££££ with access to Dira's Digital Library
  • Best Value

    Annual Membership

    Every year
    Pay for the year and save up to £60 cause you can!
     3 day free trial
    • Equivalent to just £9.99 a month!
    • You need to know how to channel to benefit from membership
    • Join Dira's community of Channelers & gain access to more!
    • Save ££££££££ with access to Dira's Digital Library
    • Access to exclusive exceptional Members' discounts
    • FREE access to some of Dira's Digital Programs
    • Guided Meditation Albums
    • Channeled Q&A Database
    • Access to Sunday Sessions LIVE & Recorded
    • The Dira Detox database of detox recipies
    • Eligibility to access exclusive LIVE Events
    • Members forums & Groups
  • Lifetime Membership

    Access Forever!
    • Lifetime membership to Dira
    • Everything you get in the monthly membership - but forever!
    • (As long as this platform is available)
    • 10% Discount on the Level Program
Basic Channeling Workshop (Square).jpg
The Dira Member Community is for people who have already learnt how to channel with Dira, as channeling is a pre-requisite for all of the content that we offer our members.

Learn how to channel

Save thousands of pounds

with our Annual & Lifetime

Membership Plans

Becoming a paid member of Dira through our monthly or annual membership opens up a very cost-efficient way of accessing our content for as little as £9.99 a month (Annual Membership).


As a Annual Member, you get the following benefits:


  • Members-only discounts.



  • You gain access to our database of delicious recipes for the Dira Detox. The detox is a requirement for many retreats and this saves you the hassle of finding appropriate recipes to meet the detox requirements. (The Dira Detox excludes all meat, shellfish, dairy, eggs, soya, gluten, nuts, refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and psychotropic drugs).


  • You get access to the Dira Community, forums, groups, meet-ups, and events that are only open to members.

As a lifetime Member:

  • You get all of the benefits of the Annual Members

  • 10% discount on the Dira Level Program (All Levels)

  • Membership lasts until you cancel it, or this platform no longer exists. Please remember the text below: 

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