Dearest Dira Community,
Here is your 1-minute weekly energy update for the coming week.
This week's message:
"Change is here. Unexpected change. Scenarios will occur 'out of the blue', and you may feel somewhat out of control - but there is no feed for fear. It is a sign that you are living your most magnificent possibility. Feel gratitude for this possibility instead, & remember that it is part of a greater unfolding; an unfolding that is beyond your imagination. Don't try to control anything as it will not serve you. This is the time to surrender to Us & to feel grateful that your soul is driving your experience, instead of other parts of your toolkit (ego, mind, emotions). We will orchestrate a beautiful & splendid unfolding for your life - the wait is over, it is time for the physicalization of Our plan. So, We ask you to enter into channel with an open heart, releasing all fears, worries, and the need for control into white light. The more you surrender, the more gracefully this process of change will unfold."
With love,
The Dira Team