Dearest Dira Community,
Here is your 1-minute weekly energy update for the coming week.
This week's message:
"Some fears may surface this week... fears about what's ahead, what your future holds, and what the rest of your life looks like. You wonder if life will be smooth sailing and gentle - there is doubt in Our promises, because the past few years haven't been your best. Know that We understand. We hold you in love, regardless of how you perceive Us or Our promises. But let Us remind you of a fundamental truth: this realm is one of duality. If you have endured the deepest contrast of your life in relatively recent times, then by nature, you are on the brink of your greatest expansion. For every contraction, there is an expansion - equal in intensity. So, this is not just about trusting Us; it is a fact - a foundational law of existence. And so, this week, whenever doubt arises, take a moment to center yourself. Breathe your doubt into an imaginary balloon, then release it. It no longer belongs in your system. Open yourself to receive Our bounty."
With love,
The Dira Team