Dearest Dira Community,
Here is your 1-minute weekly energy update for the coming week.
This week's message:
"You are glowing, and those around you can see it. Your soul that's been yearning to shine, is now radiating more than ever. You are determined to keep shining. You feel acutely aware of your purpose of existence and understand that you haven't been put on this earth to suffer. Your most natural state is that of bliss. This is not news to you, however, the yearning to shine and to make your entire life an embodiment of this shining is intensifying. You feel called to reflect on different aspects of your life and make changes that embody Divinity, that honor this light that wants to shine so bright. You no longer feel the need to dim your light. Instead, you crave to experience more of it. There's more clarity, conviction, determination, and trust. We are grateful that you have allowed for this opening. Stay persistent in choosing the light, and witness magnificence unfold in your life."
With love,
The Dira Team