The program is 18 weeks divided into 3 modules, that must be done consecutively.
Can be done anywhere the individual channels it should be. Can also be done while you carry on with your regular day job and responsibilities, unless guided to be in silence or isolation for a certain period.
To have completed all 3 phases of Level 3, and Submit Form and Agreement for registration
If done individually free. If done in a group at Dira, then meals, accommodation and use of services will be charged for.

Upcoming Dates:
At your own timing, agreed with Dira
Each individual channels for themselves, however mentorship from a Level 7
Life Aspect:
Relationships, life, astral experiences
Heart Chakra
The Level 4 Retreat focuses on unconditional love, and the recognition of Divine in yourself and others.
The Level 4 prepares you to facilitate large groups and longer retreats. It is the preparation requirement for anyone who would like to offer Dira Level 2, long subject retreats of more than 4 days and for groups of less than 100 people, as you will be an anchor of enough energy to enable others to also experience the energy. You will also transition your focus towards community work, love and oneness. The level 4 opens the heart in a way that love becomes the basis of your work and existence.
The Level 4 is an individualised program, and is channeled by each individual for him or herself.
It can begin whenever the participant is ready or called to do so in channel. Dira will coordinate dates during the year when it will be run as a group only for the facilitation of the commitment in practice and execution.
6 Hours of channel a day using white liquid light.
Module 1: Cleansing, 6 weeks
This will comprise of deep energetic cleansing, usually will be combined with a spiritual fast. The structure, duration and extent of the fast will be channeled by the individual. Spiritual fasts can include fasting from food or food categories, silence, abstinence, seclusion, at least 1 hour of daily physical exercise and are always combined with an energising component such as number of hours to be in channel a day, or breathing and sound exercises. On average, in Level 4, an individual will be in secluded channel for 6 hours a day, spread throughout the day. The duration of the fast varies from person to person and will have phases of intensity during the cleansing period, so for example a 9 day fast in silence combined with 21 days intermittent fasting. Each individual will channel their own program.
Module 2: Energizing, 6 weeks
The vessel (your being) has been prepared during the cleansing phase, and through the spiritual fast there is the release of the conditions of love, and you reassess all of your relationships including with yourself. During the energising phase the focus is on embodying love and recognising that Divine love is infinite and has no conditions. Continuing with 6 hours of channel a day but it is not necessary to be isolated, 1 hour minimum of physical exercise and an intermittent fast of 1 detox meal a day with all other meals and snacks being a detox liquid, however additional protein sources such as fish, dairy or eggs may be added to your meal, each individual will channel their own detailed program. In the energising phase you begin to fill your vessel with light and establish a practice for day to day existence.
Module 3: Implementation, 6 weeks
During this phase you practice the embodiment of this substantially more intense frequency of energy, and for a complete 6 weeks implement a channeled task as your daily commitment. The tasks vary and is appropriate for the individual. This can be a channeled trip facilitating retreats, the Level 2, or a community project.
Physical Exercise:
1 hour minimum of physical exercise a day
Mentioned in structure
Each individual channels for themselves
Impact on your life:
The Level 4 has a profound impact on the relationships in your life, your relationship with life and with Divine. It also allows for a great expansion of the chakras and auric field.
"Level 4 was intense. I lost my father as I was doing my implementation of the Level 2 retreat. I could see Divine was working on my understanding on the conditions of love I had throughout the whole retreat, but during my implementation I was put to the test, how could I handle and deal with the loss and grief. The word that comes to mind is GRACE, I felt Divine love in every moment. It became clear to me that in love there is no loss, love is infinite, whether or not the people we love are physically present with us. I also have come to a level of self love that I never even knew was possible, I feel full, grateful and content, and have released the need to have others love or accept me, as I now love and accept myself for all of me, including the imperfections and mistakes I may have made in the past. My whole perspective on love shifted completely to what I feel inside is the truth that I couldn't see before, it is like a blindfold has been lifted off my heart. "
L.K - Oman